Monday, October 26, 2009

wedding: { erin + jonathan }

erin and jonathan had a beautiful wedding at fort worden in port townsend. i had never been there, but it's pretty cool! can i tell you how cool and big and awesome the officers' quarters are? also... can i remind you that you should always knock before entering a room?... well, you should. especially when you're scouting cool places for jenny gg to put the dress.

anywho... the wedding was awesome and the party was fantastic! erin and jonathan have the COOLEST friends - i loved running the photobooth!

congratulations e & j!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

wedding: { jenna + zach }

jenna and zach are just the sweetest, and jenna has the best smile! i love how she smiles with her whole face - she's adorable!

thanks for letting me be a part of your awesome day!

how awesome is jenny gg? she totally showed the crowd how to do the electric slide!... but then she couldn't stop, because they were all following her... it was great!

Monday, October 5, 2009

personal: { best of western washington }

so... you all know about the whole "best of western washington" contest right?

if you don't - for shame. it's a contest that features nominated businesses that customers and clients feel deserve recognition for being the most awesome ever.

well, miss jenny gg has been nominated again this year! i know she would LOVE your support!

i know i'm a little biased... she is my best friend, and i do love working with her. but just ask anybody... you can't help but love jenny. she's awesome to work with, and her work is absolutely stunning.

so... visit her site, check her out, and decide for yourself! then... if you feel so inclined... you can go here and vote for her.

