Tuesday, June 30, 2009

{ wedding: katie + rob }

Katie and Rob have THE sweetest story that I have ever heard. They met in elementary school in W. Virginia and went to a roller skating party. Shortly after that, Katie's family moved to Washington state. Years and years later Rob came to Washington and decided to look her up. They started emailing and eventually started dating. And now they're married!! So crazy, and such an awesome story!

I had a blast assisting Jenny GG at Pickering Farm (so beautiful!) for Katie and Rob's special day. I don't think I've met a more fun wedding party. And I don't know what it is about that W. Virginia accent, but it's awesome!

I had a great time! Thanks Jenny and congratulations Katie and Rob!! You guys are awesomeness!

{ wedding: chris + jamie }

Chris and Jamie are just about the sweetest couple around! And SO so SO fun! With a Vegas themed reception, how could they not be complete awesomesauce?!

I assisted Jenny GG last month for this fun wedding. As usual, the details are my favorite... Jamie's ring was so pretty, and I loved the details on Chris's ring too!

Thanks Jenny and thanks Chris and Jamie for letting me be a part of your special day!!